The News
- Our work "Exploring the Effects of Synthetic Data Generation: A Case Study on Autonomous Driving for Semantic Segmentation" has been recently accepted for publication at The Visual Computer journal (2025).
- We have released InstruM3D, a public 3D repository of medical instruments digital twins with creative commons license. Check it out at
Open PhD fellowship opportunities in Virtual Reality and 3D Medical Visualization (funded by the EU Marie S. Curie COFUND program). If you are interested in pursuing a PhD at UDC, please contact me soon. The official deadline expires very soon! 20th October, 2024
- Our work "Immersive 3D Medical Visualization in Virtual Reality using Stereoscopic Volumetric Path Tracing" has been accepted at IEEE VR 2024.
- We have freely released UrbanSyn, an open synthetic dataset featuring photorealistic driving scenes with ground-truth annotations. Check it out at
- This year I will serve as general chair to co-organize the 33th edition of the Eurographics Spanish Chapter Conference in Computer Graphics (CEIG 2024). Check out the conference website here.
- Our work "PlayNet: Real-time Handball Play Classification with Kalman Embeddings and Neural Networks" has been accepted at The Visual Computer journal.
- Our work "Neural James-Stein Combiner for Unbiased and Biased Renderings" has been accepted at SIGGRAPH Asia 2022. The open access version can be found at the ACM Transactions on Computer Graphics.
- We are open to receive expressions of interest from people aiming to work in AI generative models for image synthesis (GAN/Diffusion Models/Autoencoders) or computer graphics and procedural modeling (Python/Houdini).
- We are open to receive expressions of interest from people aiming to design custom 3-D virtual reality applications and user interfaces for medical visualization (OpenXR/C++/CUDA/OSG).
- I have been awarded as a Beca Leonardo fellow by FBBVA.
There is an open position as research assistant at CITIC. Seeking engineers or 3D specialists with a genuine interest in either image processing with AI, computer vision, virtual reality, procedural modeling or 3D graphics.
- Last chance to participate in the HPG Posters program.
Submissions now open until June 21!. Deadline extension and $500 cash prize for the best poster!.
The Computer Vision Center (Barcelona) is hiring a Senior Unity 3D Engineer. If you are a self-motivated Unity/C# skilled programmer and you would like to work with us, apply here!. Deadline 22nd April, 2021.
- This year I will serve as Posters Chair for High Performance Graphics 2021, July 6-9 (stay tunned for news!).
Open position on stochastic multiagent models for COVID-19 spread simulations . Deadline Jan. 29th, 2021.
Application instructions here (call not available in English, contact me ASAP if you are interested).
- Our work "Real-Time Denoising of Volumetric Path Tracing for Direct Volume Rendering" is finally being published at the IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics [Publisher's Early Access] [Project page]
Open PhD fellowship opportunities (funded by the Spanish Ministry). If you are interested in pursuing a PhD at UDC, please contact me soon. This year official deadline expires December 11th, 2020
Open fellowship opportunities (funded by the Spanish Ministry) for enthusiastic undergrad and master students enrolled at UDC and interested in working with Unity, on 3D graphics and procedural content generation at UDC/CITIC.
You can check some old preliminary results here here!. Contact me ASAP, the deadline for expressions of interest expires September 29th, 2020!.
Open opportunities for enthusiastic international postdocs (under MSCA-IF) in Computer Graphics and Learning for Image Synthesis at UDC/CITIC.
You can check our public call for expressions of interest in Euraxess here!.
The deadline for this call expires July 1st, 2020.
- Looking forward for your submissions to the Embodied AI Workshop! A joint event co-located with CVPR 2020.
- Frontiers Workshop on Computer Graphics for Autonomous Vehicles: Material available!
- We are organizing the Computer Graphics for Autonomous Vehicles Workshop as part of ACM SIGGRAPH Frontiers Workshops 2019 program in Los Angeles, next 28th July. Stay tunned for more updates!
- This year I have been involved as Posters Chair in the organization of High Performance Graphics 2019.
- Last summer we organized an ACM SIGGRAPH Workshop on Computer Graphics for Autonomous Driving Applications. Looking forward for future events like this!. You can still check last year program.
- I have been invited to participate as expert evaluator in the Spanish State Research Agency (AEI).
- Great week at the AutoTech Summit and Unite Berlin 2018. Our on-going work has been featured at Unite.
- IPC member for the 13th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC'18) (Nevada, US).
- IPC member of the ACM SIGGRAPH I3D Symposium (I3D'18) (Montreal, Canada).
- In April I taught CUDA for Deep Learning at the CVC/UAB as part of the Master in Computer Vision in Barcelona.
- I gratefully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation to my research through the GPU Grant Program.
" Hi, my name is José and I'm a researcher in Visual Computing and Computer Graphics. After 12 years abroad I have returned to the University of A Coruña thanks to the
UDC - Inditex InTalent Programme.
I was a Marie Curie associate researcher and professor at the Computer Vision Center and the
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Before that I was an
Associate Researcher at
Disney Research, based in Edinburgh (UK).
In my previous life at Disney I've been a Marie Curie Postdoc researcher at the University of Zaragoza, working in the Graphics and Imaging Lab.
Even before that, I was a researcher for more than 5 years at the
Visual Computing Group at CRS4 (Italy).
Under the supervision of
Enrico Gobbetti I received my Ph.D. Degree in Electronic and Computer Engineering from the University of Cagliari (2011). My Ph.D. thesis is available
In the beginning, I received a M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of a Coruña (Spain, 2006) and worked in VideaLAB, a computer graphics lab in the School of Civil Engineering at the University of A Coruña.
I have received three Marie Curie grants from the European Union and work for multiple EU and industrial projects in collaboration with multidisciplinary researchers of all around the globe. "
Research Interests
" My main professional interest is to work and lead cutting-edge research and development activities related with computer graphics and advanced visualization techniques.
I've work on cinematic lighting, real-time graphics and GPU-based rendering techniques. Recently I am exploring opportunities in other fields like Computer Vision, Autonomous Driving and Deep Learning.
I've also a background on scientific visualization working mainly on multi-resolution and compression domain volume rendering techniques that exploit GPU hardware and compressed representations of volumetric datasets.
My research also covered specialized rendering on light-field displays, GPU-accelerated segmentation algorithms or virtual humans and virtual reality to cite a few examples.
Together with my colleagues, we have proposed out-of-core rendering techniques which have inspired further work by other research scientists, medical imaging companies or
it has been integrated as part of larger systems to accelerate cinematic lighting pipelines in the movie industry. "